Monday, July 29, 2013

Samoan tattoo- Tatouage samoa

Two tattoo in progress inspired by samoan design

Friday, July 19, 2013

polynesian tribal. tatouage polynesien

Half sleeve tattoo mostly inspired by french polynesian design

Qintosol Inker. Suisse

For people living in  Switzerland who desire a nice polynesian tattoo visite Qintosol Inker on Facebook

polynesian tattoo- tatouage polynesien

sleeve and chest inspired by many different polynesians styles

polynesian freehand

freehand drawing before the lining session,

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

pacific tattoo- tatouage du Pacifique-

half sleeve and forarm inspired by french polynesian design

polynesian tattoo - tahiti - tatouage polynesien

sleeve and chest mostly inspired by french polynesian tattoo

tatouage polynesien

Full sleeve mostly inspired by french polynesian designs

Friday, July 5, 2013

tahiti !

inspired by french polynesian design